Beáta Botanicals

HELD - Flower Essence Formula



HELD is a protective and nurturing vibrational formula that offers a sense of connection to the unseen support around us.

Pink Yarrow - A barrier of protection that holds you in loving awareness. provides a solid sense of self with a protected yet open heart. wonderful for deep feelers who tend to take on others emotions.

Marshmallow - Brings softness, presence and grounding into experience, leaves space for integration. Helps to release any stagnant emotions. A gentle landing place. A deep exhale.

Angelica - Creates an inner sanctuary that connects you to the unseen support that always around (spirit, ancestors). Great for support with any life transitions and changes.

Rose Quartz - Heart soother and supporter.

in a base of Rose, Vodka and Spring water.

Flower Essences are energetic medicines that support the emotional and energetic bodies, helping us to process and transform.

1oz bottle.

take 3 drops 3x per day on tongue on in water. drop on pillow before bed, in paints, get creative !

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.